Acknowledgements: The program (click the picture above) and this coverage would not have been possible without the outstanding contribution of the Boston University School of Medicine Office of Continuing Medical Education; we owe lots of thanks for them. The research work done by Drs Irwin Goldstein and Jennifer Berman are integral to this course and to the entire field of female sexual dysfunction.
Boston-Burlington Marriott, Burlington, MA
Female sexual dysfunction is very prevalent and extremely underreported and undertreated. It consists of a complex of symptoms that may include one or several of the following: impaired libido, decreased vaginal lubrication, decreased vaginal and clitoral sensation, painful intercourse, and difficulty achieving orgasm. The causes can be various. There can be psychological or emotional reasons for female sexual dysfunction, for example marital and body image problems. They may not be psychologically based at all - they can be based on surgery, for example hysterectomy or pelvic surgery. Clogging of the arteries. Those problems which cause erectile dysfunction among men: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, etc.
The conference New Perspectives in the Management of Female Sexual Dysfunction was an international meeting, and it pulled forces together to approach female sexual dysfunction in the best and most scientifically appropriate way -
through a series of point-counterpoint presentations, each followed by a discussion. The course directors included: Dr. Robert Krane
Dr. Irwin Goldstein
Dr. Abdul Traish
Dr. Jennifer Berman
Some general description of the conference titles and topics will be presented in these pages